DHCP and TCP/IP  «Prev  Next»

Centrally Managed IP Conclusion

The increasing complexity of network infrastructures demonstrates the need for an automated and centrally managed Internet Protocol (IP) configuration schemes. The DHCP service in Microsoft Windows provides an automated IP addressing service and centralized management of TCP/IP configuration parameters.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
  1. Recognize DHCP as a solution for the IP-configuration needs of an organization.
  2. Identify DHCP configuration features supported by the DHCP service
  3. Describe how the DHCP service integrates with other services in Windows 2000
  4. Describe how to design a DHCP service in a non-routed LAN environment
  5. Describe how to place DHCP Relay Agents and Servers in a routed network
  6. Describe how a DHCP Server services non-Microsoft hosts

Glossary Terms

Here is a list of terms used in this module that may have been new to you:
  1. MADCAP: A protocol that automates distribution of multicast address configurations for network clients.
  2. MAC: Message Authentication Code, or Media Access Control. A Message Authentication Code is the result of hashing, and often referred to as a Hash Message Authentication Code or HMAC. This is the digital signature applied to signed packets. A Media Access Control address is a hardware addressed applied to a network interface.

The next module discusses how to secure a DHCP solution.

DHCP Solution Design - Quiz

Click the Quiz link below to wrap up this module by reviewing the concepts taught in this module.
DHCP Solution Design - Quiz